Saturday, October 16, 2010

late pictures arrival ...teehehee

everyone is so gay .....

Guess what songs ^^ hahaha

i LOVE this pic
i guess there are still more pictures...hmmm WAITING ~~~~


不要说保持单身的男女没情趣,也不要说大学不谈恋爱没意思,有位名人曾说过“大学不谈恋爱,后悔四年,大学谈恋爱,后悔 一辈子”,学生时代,周围接触最多的人都年龄相仿,所以价值观都差不多,都想着将来有个好工作,有个好恋人。正因为理想差不多,所以2个人在一起会很开 心,也就很容易走到了一起。至于恋爱是否会影响学习,这里就不说了,因为既有促进作用,也有消极作用,因人而异。      

但 是,当毕业后,由于工作的需要,或考研的需要,2人必须长时间分开。即使分开前信誓旦旦,但以后见面的机会将会非常少。不要说你会坚守爱情,在事业的压力 下你若分心就无法使自己更优秀。而在你事业低谷时,那个搀扶你一把的人,往往使你心存感激,你会发现原来这个人就是你生命中最重要的人。而你原来爱的那个 人,对你由爱生恨,你反而失去一个很好的朋友。       

所 以,现在若有人想跟你交往,估计也是看中近期的利益(两人在一块的感觉,没有那么多顾虑)而没有把眼光放远于未来的人。毕竟谈恋爱就得多多少少花钱,而钱 全是父母给的生活费,你都还不会赚钱,没有自己的事业,凭什么可以乱花钱呢?从某种意义上讲,是父母在帮你谈恋爱,一点都没有靠自己的力量去追求自己的所 爱。    

恋人不是随意寻找的,因为在没有完全了解对方之 前,对方可以为了吸引你暂时改变自己,而一旦你完全了解对方后,分手就指日可待了。所以恋爱应该是日久生情,彼此非常熟知后自然地走在一起,甚至无需表 白。不要认为对方人很好就轻易妥协,人好不是爱情的全部,你们必须为爱情的将来做打算。

如 果遇到一个你深爱的女孩,而你感觉她也喜欢你,大部分的人都是直接就开始交往了。这样做的后果可能就是前面所说的,最后失去一个深爱的人。你或许应该以朋 友的名义关心她,在毕业后仍保持联系,然后为了她努力工作。当你在事业上有所成就后再去找她,如果此时她仍在等你,说明你没看错人。女孩,如果一个男生他 随意就喜欢上妳,那么他以后也会很快就喜欢上别人的。爱情晚点来,就不会走得太早。我们并不需要靠失恋来成熟。    

在 学校里的爱情是无知的,在社会中的爱情可能是有目的的,只有遇到逆境仍走下去的爱情才是永恒的。爱情不是和一个最适合自己的人在一起,而是遇到一个更适合 自己的人时,能够坚守自己对所爱的人作出的承诺。爱情不是两个人眼睛对视,而是两个人的眼光看着同一个方向。(这句话是谁说的……太精辟了吧!)


男生,在谈恋爱时不要抱着不适合就分手的想法,一定要慎重地考虑清楚,女朋友就是你未来的老婆,结婚只不过是多一张无用 的纸而已,结婚并不是为爱情加了锁,真正的爱情从来就不需要任何的束缚。一旦你选择了恋爱,就要有一种责任感,你要为你父母的儿子、你老婆的丈夫、你未来 孩子的爸爸负责!    

单身并没有什么不好,你一样可以关 心你喜欢的人,这样可以让大众觉得你是一个很好的朋友(大爱这句话,哈哈,终于没有罪恶感了);而恋爱中的人,关心别人则会引发醋意,从爱情观说也是对爱 情不够忠诚,但不关心别人则又失去很多友谊,一旦你分手了,就赔了夫人又折兵。所以现在单身,不是说你不向往爱情,而是证明你对未来的她的一份痴情。    



Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Glennyss version EAT。PRAY。LOVE

Well surprisingly another blog ...
Honestly i am feeling extremely tired and sleepy after the 3 hours sleep due to the assignments..
well Desperations and Disappointment !!!!
The class was Cancelled and elaine was early ...
we both continue with the assignments ...
hence it leads me to write about another page again !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

about one ... i was feeling pretty bored and decided to go for movie alone...
Actually i wanted to watch THE movie EAT.PRAY.LOVE..
but too bad when i reached Mid Valley the movie only filmed  at 4.20pm...
which is very late.. and i gave up ..and choose Sammy's Adventure ...
ITS weekdays and lots of people coming to watch movie!!!!
the movie actually starts at 1.45pm...
looking at the clock its already 1.47pm...
which means i am late for the movie , but i insist on ...haiz...
well rushing in to the cinema after grabbing a ticket ... i am just on time !!!
NOT even a second late ...hehehheeh .....indeed happy ...

not many people inside the hall ....
but what i can comment about the movie was NICE, CUTE, romance, LOVE, Funny,
I LOVE IT !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

this is the 3d but i just watch 2d

Sammy is HATCHED ^^
Oops by the way Sammy is a BOY !!! and he rely on this plank as HOME ^^
well my dinner ; P

okay a simple porridge and Yau Char Guai ...more then enough
its nice and the Yau Char Guai is soft and crispy !!The porridge is sweet and eeemmmm smells good ^^

My Dessert ... hehe Lo Hong Ka.... ^^ (pimples pimples go away)

well its hard to earn money but easy to spend.... hmmmm
well after this i went home and then go Shah Alam for a Funeral Ceremony ...
it makes my day happier and its my own Eat.Pray. Love

Saturday, October 9, 2010

a lil update from things around me in college

well the pictures speaks for itselfs ...
well these are all the intervals between classes ...
hence we got plenty of time and we Eat,SIng, Shop

KTV with Elaine @ Red BOX lowYAT

YOO HOO ladies Version winter SOnata XDXD
An innocent Capture ahhahahaa

well girls stop making faces XD

at last a nice picture ...say CHHEEEZZZZ

well my favourite Oyster Mee Sua from Shi Lin Mid Valley

the meal from ShiLin  ( mid Valley with Caitlyn )


well to me its something hilarious to blog hahaha...
you might be thinking what kind of fund i was thinking and talking about..
why not just guess !!! ^_^
hahahaha... hmmmmmm is it unit trust fund ??? NOPE
charity funds ??? hehehhehe nonono.....
okay okay let me tell you ....

as i was chit chatting with one of my friend one day...
we sit and talk hours and imagine for hours about our future ....
worst of all we talk about things which is still far fetch ...
and i cant imagine we actually planned ...GOSH...
guess what a wedding fund....
i know i know .. it sounds ridiculous ...
well the scenario went so bad that we wished to have a PERFECT wedding...
well its a IMAGINATIONS !!!!

hence she urged me to start it now...
and she was giggling ....hahahaa
well ... its sttill long way to go... but...
we had planned it well enough as if its going to be the way it should be...XD
from the curtain to the bed and to the bed of course a LARGE CLOSET !!!
and after all its still dream...
and our chat went on....
but for sure its ot gossiping or back stabbing ...
and it went on and on... this is the day ^^

Thursday, October 7, 2010


well i guess up till today i felt some changes around me...
its not minor nor major... but human attitude and character ...
well its not a sense of prejudice of me i guess...
i just dislike to have and put prejudice on people...
well who am i to do so right????

well before i further on ... hahaha my first ktv session with Caitlyn ...
well it turns out slow at beginning well than jake and all 3 of us gets really high...
ahahahha i guess that should be the way to SING XD
well at the end someone almost lose his voice ...haha
well i hope he/she will be okay .....
well we did have fun ..hahaha but honestly i am very particular with the size of room and microphone ...
SERIOUSLY!! hahahahah....
we are as if having a concert ... BLASTING WHOA !!!!
well i should call it a C.G.J CLUB !!!
but too bad the E is not there ......

now continue with the prejudice issue ...
well this person really annoys me today...
reading through certain issue well... i decided people changes and looking at truths..

i guess the best way for me to work and acts towards them is just to ignore them...
perhaps sometimes being a stranger is better....

coming across to one of my friends' blog ...
towards people who does not accept the diverting opinions of others ...
well this reminds me of what i was few years back...

thinking selfishly and naive that everyone had the same mind set and thoughts as me...
well i learned and i realised that it is impossible for everyone to agree with you ...
everyone come from different backgrounds ...and philosophies they adapt are off totally different..
Hence, no matter how strong is your opinion or your ideas support you... perhaps these people should try to accept new things and ideologies with hands open...

well, honestly i do not like to hide any feelings from my BFF... provided he/she can help me to keep secrets...
well its important to get a good listener ... but if your friend is so good to extreme and you cant accept and give , it will be problematic..
Life is about to take and give....
if you dont learn that you will be having prejudice on almost everyone ...
You will never be satisfied and appreciate things around you...
people always tend to feel they are of the worst ... WHO DON"T ???
its just the matter on how you see and take things...were you satisfied or not??
if your pride and greed as well as egoism  plays a major role in you.. you just have to get some out of you  ...

its always right to forgive one another..
but usually who will take the initial steps first??
or will you not and continue to step in deeper and deeper in depth towards blurrness in life?
people feels around you ... well if one or two people disagree its probably their problems...
but when the majority disagree should you paused and thought for some while...
you may not care and may not mind ...
you may think its alright and you are utmost great and good decision makers..
you may think you are right ...but no matter how good you are .. you too make mistakes...
all humans make mistake unless you aren't one......
we learn as much as possible..

all decisions its up to you ...
people do not pick up prejudice so will you ???

There are many things in life that will catch your eye,
but only a few will catch your heart; pursue those.

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

well... it has been sometimes after the last post...
well its the third week of college...
honestly i am still not used to the new way the new environment...

and i am very frustrated in certain situations...
one of it will be the time table of course..
second of it is one of the class....
third is my hair....
fourth is me...
and the list goes on.......

well there was once i am sitting in a train...
looking at a lady...she was listening to her ipod and was smiling sweetly..
well i saw... when she realised i was looking at her ... she kept her smile...XD
anyway she was too obsessed and forget about me and continue smiling....
cute  lady huh ^_^

well in a sudden i went through my friend blog and this triggered me to have a wish list..
but wondering why should i???
hmmmmmm.... what happen if all of it does not prevail???
Well my dear Glennyss its just a WISH !!!!
hence i decided to list down here ...

Glennyss wish list of the year 2010-2011
  1. i want to watch 6 movies this year
  2. i hope i can celebrate my birthday with my friends this year
  3. i want to improve my vocal
  4. i want to concentrate and focus on my studies 
  5. well a joke but true... i want a balance diet ..dun ask me to eat !!!
  6. learn to be humourous and disciplined
  7. to hang out with ALL my close friends ...I miss u all
  8. to be happier than ever
  9. never feel tensed up
  10. to had  a large re-union with college friends ^^
  11. to do some charity
  12. to make more friends
  13. to get a new good wireless microphones ^^
  14.  to get all clothes from boutique all over the world ( ridiculous huh)
  15. to not to be emo and emotional
  16. be an optimist
  17. hope i am strong 
  18. hope everyone stay healthy and nice
  19. to get a business started
  20. to be conscious all day long ...( uurrrgghhh)
well, to be honest my parents are EXTREMEly conservative....
and WELL i HATE IT !!!!
this doesnt show i am a disobedient daughter but i just dislike the way they teach me...
luckily i dont inherit much from them...
well to any children under their supervision you will suffocate to death...
Believe me....

now forget about those upsetting stuff.....
thinking of going to prom or not???
if i asked i guess 98% i cant go ...haiz....
if i dont ask i am not going to go as well...
hmmm... but if i asked i will get scolded ...
but if i dont i wont .... miserable....procarstinating....
and i wanted to apologise here ...
for not attending the audition ... this is because i dont even know whether i am attending or not and other factors as well....
and well cait... i will TRY to go ...... hmmmmmm

well lately i am too focusing on music as well...
meeting keyboard master BU that day.... well... still nice...
long time no see....but my composer had lost in the limelight of love XD
and more surprisingly which i doesnt expect ....
Well i met Zlwin in Kl sentral.....
okay it was long i had never met him...especially after his magician career..
well i met him and had a few words with him as he was rushing for his magic performance at KLCC..
Gosh i should try a day and go Zouk and see his performance XD
but honestly he is waaaayyyyy thinner than before ....

well friends do come and go...
and i had learned that we should appreciate all moments with them...
which will make it precious and carved a memories between us...

Precious it peeps^_^