Wednesday, December 29, 2010
Well this morning when i woke up and switch on the televisions ,
Its Martha Stewart's i watch a lil section of it befoere it ends,
one lil thing caught my interest and my eyes was the book called Happy Glove
its Soft Toys made from gloves......
Its cute and lovely .....
and makes me think of my glove and Kimberley Ong's orange glove XD...
well i hope i could make one XD
We'll See !!!!
Friday, December 17, 2010
A very short post on Public toilets .... Well honestly i am very particular about its hygiene recently ...
To be frank ... i dont like my country's public toilets ...
not because of anything but its hygiene...
I remember giving a public speaking on Public Toilets ...and how embarrassing it is!!!
i remember that all people are pointing fingers at each other especially to those who vandalise it ...
now having thinking further is it the those people are responsible....
NO i dont think so ...
perhaps the people who used it should have....
people were as if uncivilized ....compared to those who really are...
we are already at the 21st century ....
and we have people who do not even bother to flush the toilet bowls after use ...
worst of all is when there is a breakdown of the flush or pumps...
you cant imagine how stinky it could be...
It is a humiliation for a developing country to still have such scenario....
well and i could say those in charge of cleaning toilets i guess is just Sleeping!!!
getting a free paid salary .....sitting there sleeping... owh well if you still see them where you usually dont...
having said that, i guess those ministers or whosoever in charge should take actions...
I remember song was sang advertisement been held campaign as well as talks were held....
BUT still no effect ... because everyone having so call short term memory ....
well its unfair to just point fingers on citizens i guess....
i read this issue being raise by the Minister of Tourism Datuk Ng Yen Yen...
well Stiill campaign and advertisements...
Dont you think that action is better than just speaking of it...
The only clean toilets available is those that you have it in very classy shopping complexes or YOU HAVE TO PAY FOR IT !!!!
so that there is a auto-flush sensor, tissues, and clean and dry toilets..... and you will see workers cleaning it very often...
looking at other countries public toilets such as japan....they have more high tech toilets...
well its sufficient if they just could use the money instead of advertisement WISELY to repair the toilets....
and employ much more efficient worker...
well its all till here ...
To be frank ... i dont like my country's public toilets ...
not because of anything but its hygiene...
I remember giving a public speaking on Public Toilets ...and how embarrassing it is!!!
i remember that all people are pointing fingers at each other especially to those who vandalise it ...
now having thinking further is it the those people are responsible....
NO i dont think so ...
perhaps the people who used it should have....
people were as if uncivilized ....compared to those who really are...
we are already at the 21st century ....
and we have people who do not even bother to flush the toilet bowls after use ...
worst of all is when there is a breakdown of the flush or pumps...
you cant imagine how stinky it could be...
It is a humiliation for a developing country to still have such scenario....
well and i could say those in charge of cleaning toilets i guess is just Sleeping!!!
getting a free paid salary .....sitting there sleeping... owh well if you still see them where you usually dont...
having said that, i guess those ministers or whosoever in charge should take actions...
I remember song was sang advertisement been held campaign as well as talks were held....
BUT still no effect ... because everyone having so call short term memory ....
well its unfair to just point fingers on citizens i guess....
i read this issue being raise by the Minister of Tourism Datuk Ng Yen Yen...
well Stiill campaign and advertisements...
Dont you think that action is better than just speaking of it...
The only clean toilets available is those that you have it in very classy shopping complexes or YOU HAVE TO PAY FOR IT !!!!
so that there is a auto-flush sensor, tissues, and clean and dry toilets..... and you will see workers cleaning it very often...
looking at other countries public toilets such as japan....they have more high tech toilets...
well its sufficient if they just could use the money instead of advertisement WISELY to repair the toilets....
and employ much more efficient worker...
well its all till here ...
Sunday, December 5, 2010
喝了一杯咖啡摩卡。。。不是很喜欢 我还是比较喜欢 绿茶…………
很突然把。。。。不要觉得奇怪读而已啦 XD
你对“她” 来说现在只有的是回忆 , 不能从来。。。
你会想挽留但“她” 的心 却不想。。
你不能指责怪 “她” 的不告而别因为“她”真的不知道如何表达!!!
你也太没有志气 也没有主见。。。你将来也会左右为难。。
这也《太委屈》 双方面了。。。
”她“ 也许会对你说一句抱歉。。。
两个不一样的世界的人 最求不一样的生活。。。
再继续只能说 《太委屈》也太勉强。。。。
有你们的陪伴让“她”能嘻嘻哈哈 得过着一些日子。。。
合作起来就像 杨过和小龙女。。。
但你们还是 很好的 互动。。
很好的 PARTNER!!!
竟然你一今跟“她”一起了 为何 再去想“她”。。。
竟然你觉的对之前的“她” 有愧疚。。。
因为你的幼稚 实到今天这样的结局。。。
“她” 已心灰意冷。。。
你也知道那一个伤害是有多大 有多深。。。
喝了一杯咖啡摩卡。。。不是很喜欢 我还是比较喜欢 绿茶…………
很突然把。。。。不要觉得奇怪读而已啦 XD
你对“她” 来说现在只有的是回忆 , 不能从来。。。
你会想挽留但“她” 的心 却不想。。
你不能指责怪 “她” 的不告而别因为“她”真的不知道如何表达!!!
你也太没有志气 也没有主见。。。你将来也会左右为难。。
这也《太委屈》 双方面了。。。
”她“ 也许会对你说一句抱歉。。。
两个不一样的世界的人 最求不一样的生活。。。
再继续只能说 《太委屈》也太勉强。。。。
有你们的陪伴让“她”能嘻嘻哈哈 得过着一些日子。。。
合作起来就像 杨过和小龙女。。。
但你们还是 很好的 互动。。
很好的 PARTNER!!!
竟然你一今跟“她”一起了 为何 再去想“她”。。。
竟然你觉的对之前的“她” 有愧疚。。。
因为你的幼稚 实到今天这样的结局。。。
“她” 已心灰意冷。。。
你也知道那一个伤害是有多大 有多深。。。
Saturday, December 4, 2010
learning to bring a song touching deep into heart is difficult !
singing with your own full heart with little technique bring the whole song alive !!
Touching as well !!!!
i am easily touched by songs !! but when its my turn to sing it its hard to bring it up !!!
perhaps i am not good and not till that particular standard !!
honestly i like Charice's voice ... a very touching powerful voice !!!
singing all her lungs out with all her feeling and pass its not easy ....
i believe you will have a song you love most ...
listen to certain song will make your tears just roll down your cheeks automatically ..
without anyreason .... you just feel the soul in that very song ....
perhaps that melody touched your heart deep....
do you have a song that touched you and make you cry?
singing with your own full heart with little technique bring the whole song alive !!
Touching as well !!!!
i am easily touched by songs !! but when its my turn to sing it its hard to bring it up !!!
perhaps i am not good and not till that particular standard !!
honestly i like Charice's voice ... a very touching powerful voice !!!
singing all her lungs out with all her feeling and pass its not easy ....
i believe you will have a song you love most ...
listen to certain song will make your tears just roll down your cheeks automatically ..
without anyreason .... you just feel the soul in that very song ....
perhaps that melody touched your heart deep....
do you have a song that touched you and make you cry?
Friday, November 26, 2010
Well its going to be December ..
and everyone is getting BUSY and BUSIER ...
there are lots of assignments and things stacking up already for us to study and read...
well need to have a good brain...
besides this tell me and warn me to reduce my activities to as minimum as possible...
Sleep less Work more ...
well have to work very hard though ...
everyone knew the fact but sometime we still struggle and procrastinate...
well i have had dissatisfactions ......
Its difficult to find a place for me to study ..
you know people i am a weirdo ... NOT TOO QUIET and NOT TOO NOISY !!
well i have found a nice place to study instead of my college library ..
Speaking about the college library ....hesitate...
well its inconvenience for us to walk and it seems dangerous too if you tends to walk alone ...
thats not the end ... the library breeds mosquitoes and flies...
first time going to the library expecting there is peace to study but i am stung by A " community" of mosquitoes..
and then giving excuse that its not ready ...
second time still the same ..but this time FLIES + Mosquitoes.....
i thought i am the one talking about it but later it shows that i am wrong ...
lots of students going there were chased off by MOSQUITOES !!!
well wondering if any get dengue or malaria....
hence i am reluctant to go to library..
3rd floor is noisy in the morning but very peaceful during evening...
by that time i guess i am having my class or i am already back home...
Luckily i found a nice place called the Coffee Bean ..
in Kl SEntral... alone studying no distractions ...
and its like airport entry so ... very minimal distractions tooo...
most of them there are quiet ....and doing their own work...
perhaps they have a mobile office i supposed XD
well that also sounds that u have to pay for more ...
but what todo??
Imagine you are in the library and you are coming back to the building for classes and the rain pours..
dont you think its either you are wet or you are going to miss that class???
things do happen right??
Thursday, November 18, 2010
Sunday, November 14, 2010
ABC About Me
ABC About My Questions
A - AVAILABLE: Erm is this a subjective question??
C - CRUSHING ON: Karaokaess...xD
D - DRINK YOU LAST HAD: Ribena Blackcurrent + Glucose
E - EASIEST PERSON TO TALK TO : well i scolded my brother for waking me up too early XD!!!!
F - FAVORITE SONG AT THE MOMENT: Sometimes When We Touch ...
G - GUMMY BEARS OR GUMMY WORMS: Gummy Bears!!! <3 bears are CUTIE
H - HOMETOWN : Klang...
J - JUGGLE: I dont juggle and i DONT KNOW !!!
K - KILLED SOMEONE: feel like, but its just at moment of anger and desperateness XD
L - LONGEST CAR RIDE: Narita to Shizuoka?
M- MILKSHAKE FLAVOR : Green Tea Pleaseeee !!
O - ONE WISH: i wish i to have more wishes ... ENDLESS wishes instead of just ONE !! xD
Q - QUOTATION : youth is like flower, once wither never will be is like a burning candle, music is the soundtrack of your life
R - REASON TO SMILE : No idea, I can Laugh without a reason
T - TIME YOU WOKE UP: 6.30.... i wished to wake up at 12 leh ...
U - UNDERWEAR COLOR : ewwww........
V - VEGETABLE(S): aww i like carrot,brocolli, ladies finger...XD
W - WORST HABIT: waste MONEY $$$??
X - X-RAYS YOU'VE HAD: MY Left hand and elbow, right hand wrist!!!
Y - YOYOS ARE: i tak tau main leh ... a noob of yoyo...
Z - ZODIAC SIGN: Aquarius, flows like water and always related to vase !!??? why??
Random Questions About You:
Spell your name without vowels: Glnnyss Hw Chw Thng
Your favorite number : 6 and 8
What color do you wear most?: black & purple... xD
Least favorite colors? : erm ... unsure yet perhaps those bright ugly GREEN
What are you listening to: Noise of televisions T.T
Are you happy with your life right now?: very subjective indeed... but learn to love my life
What is your favorite class in school? : English,Art & music classs
Who is your best friend: Yollenda Ng, my Lethias peeps, Elaine.... and more
Are you outgoing?: Erm Not Really.. honestly = (
Favorite pair of shoes?: LOl shoes .. i had got lots of Dream shoes wei , looking for more sponsors xD
Can you dance?: ahahaha... yea if it means " dance" ... who dont huh xD
Can you tie a cherry stem with your mouth?: my mouth is small .. NOPE !!!
Can you whistle?: YEAH i learned it from my cousin when i was kindergaten !!! XP
Cross your eyes?: it looks ugly and little painful ...hmmmm...
Do you believe there is life on other planet?: YES YES YES ... " other planet "
Do you believe in miracles?: OF COURSE !!!!!!
Do you believe in magic?: erm ... not really i guess they are just trick !!!
Do you believe in Satan?: ewwww...satan is scary ... i believed but i never want to confront with him !!!!
Do you know how to swim?: NO ... never ever learned .. fear of DROWNING = (
Do you like roller coasters?: perhaps solero ??? hehehe
Have you ever been on a plane?: YES YES
Have you ever been asked out by someone?: YesssssHHHhhh ^.^
Have you ever been to the ocean?: Yes .. and i DONT FEEL SAFE !!!! i see dolphin !!
Have you ever painted your nails?: OF COURSE
What is the temperature outside?: well its superb HOT .. i will give it a 100 degree celcius
What radio station do you listen to? : One Fm & MY FM
What was the last restaurant you ate at? : Coffee Beans is it restaurant??
What was the last thing you bought? : Cranberry Scone
What was the last thing on TV you watched? : Ghost whisperer season 5 ..well days ago =.=!
Who was the last person you took a picture of?: FLY in the College LIBRARY =.=!!!
Who did you last webcam with?: nope ..did not webcam for decades!!!
Who was the last person you said I love you to?: Elaine I GUESs XD
Ever really cried your heart out?: Yes, I did.
Ever cried yourself to sleep?: YES when i was really sad or emo
Ever cried on your friend's shoulder?: Surprisingly !!!! NEVER !!!
Ever cried over the opposite sex? : NOT REALLY !!!
Do you cry when you get an injury?: not every ...but heart injury hahaha mostly XD
Do certain songs make you cry?: YESSSS!!! Melancholic ones haaha
Are you a happy person? : Sometimes.....
What is your current hair color? : BLONDe ???
What shirt are you wearing? : Pyjamas XD
Pants? : Pyjamas
Shoes? : naked foot XD
Necklaces? : NO.
Favorite eye color: Brown or Hazel or as long as it looks nice and not looking like a CAT !!
Short or long hair: SHORT BUT TRENDY + SUIT THE FACE
Height: Taller NOT too tall la...i am not very tall as well XD
Been to jail: YES, custody at home XD
Laughed so hard you cried: yes yes ... not crying perhaps just few drop of tears rolling XD
Cried in school: NOPE and NEVER !! XD
Wanted to be a model: erm not really, although i like new CLOTHES !!!
Done something really stupid that you still laugh about: always! example : when i made some funny acts myself or said something irrelevant
Seen a dead body:YES YES... post mortem some more ...
Gone skinny dipping: FLESHY like meatball Perhaps
Pepsi or Coke: Pepsi
Single or Group Dates: Both providing the situation.. but i prefer single sometimes = )
Chocolate or Vanilla: Chocolatessssssss.............GODIVA !!!! XD
Strawberries or Blueberries: fruits or jams ??? well if its fruits i will choose Strawberries!!!
Meat or Veggies : I am Omnivorous !!! BOTH!!! XD
TV or Movie: ANYTHING as long as i am interested watching!!!
Guitar or Drums: GUITAR !!! i hope my mum allows me to buy one and allow me to learn....
Adidas or Nike: NIKE for sneakers .. but i dont really prefer either both
Chinese or Mexican: Chinese
Cheerios or Corn flakes: BOTH MIXED Xd yum yum...... plus milk cold one !!!
Name one random thing about myself : Microphones????
A - AVAILABLE: Erm is this a subjective question??
C - CRUSHING ON: Karaokaess...xD
D - DRINK YOU LAST HAD: Ribena Blackcurrent + Glucose
E - EASIEST PERSON TO TALK TO : well i scolded my brother for waking me up too early XD!!!!
F - FAVORITE SONG AT THE MOMENT: Sometimes When We Touch ...
G - GUMMY BEARS OR GUMMY WORMS: Gummy Bears!!! <3 bears are CUTIE
H - HOMETOWN : Klang...
J - JUGGLE: I dont juggle and i DONT KNOW !!!
K - KILLED SOMEONE: feel like, but its just at moment of anger and desperateness XD
L - LONGEST CAR RIDE: Narita to Shizuoka?
M- MILKSHAKE FLAVOR : Green Tea Pleaseeee !!
O - ONE WISH: i wish i to have more wishes ... ENDLESS wishes instead of just ONE !! xD
Q - QUOTATION : youth is like flower, once wither never will be is like a burning candle, music is the soundtrack of your life
R - REASON TO SMILE : No idea, I can Laugh without a reason
T - TIME YOU WOKE UP: 6.30.... i wished to wake up at 12 leh ...
U - UNDERWEAR COLOR : ewwww........
V - VEGETABLE(S): aww i like carrot,brocolli, ladies finger...XD
W - WORST HABIT: waste MONEY $$$??
X - X-RAYS YOU'VE HAD: MY Left hand and elbow, right hand wrist!!!
Y - YOYOS ARE: i tak tau main leh ... a noob of yoyo...
Z - ZODIAC SIGN: Aquarius, flows like water and always related to vase !!??? why??
Random Questions About You:
Spell your name without vowels: Glnnyss Hw Chw Thng
Your favorite number : 6 and 8
What color do you wear most?: black & purple... xD
Least favorite colors? : erm ... unsure yet perhaps those bright ugly GREEN
What are you listening to: Noise of televisions T.T
Are you happy with your life right now?: very subjective indeed... but learn to love my life
What is your favorite class in school? : English,Art & music classs
Who is your best friend: Yollenda Ng, my Lethias peeps, Elaine.... and more
Are you outgoing?: Erm Not Really.. honestly = (
Favorite pair of shoes?: LOl shoes .. i had got lots of Dream shoes wei , looking for more sponsors xD
Can you dance?: ahahaha... yea if it means " dance" ... who dont huh xD
Can you tie a cherry stem with your mouth?: my mouth is small .. NOPE !!!
Can you whistle?: YEAH i learned it from my cousin when i was kindergaten !!! XP
Cross your eyes?: it looks ugly and little painful ...hmmmm...
Do you believe there is life on other planet?: YES YES YES ... " other planet "
Do you believe in miracles?: OF COURSE !!!!!!
Do you believe in magic?: erm ... not really i guess they are just trick !!!
Do you believe in Satan?: ewwww...satan is scary ... i believed but i never want to confront with him !!!!
Do you know how to swim?: NO ... never ever learned .. fear of DROWNING = (
Do you like roller coasters?: perhaps solero ??? hehehe
Have you ever been on a plane?: YES YES
Have you ever been asked out by someone?: YesssssHHHhhh ^.^
Have you ever been to the ocean?: Yes .. and i DONT FEEL SAFE !!!! i see dolphin !!
Have you ever painted your nails?: OF COURSE
What is the temperature outside?: well its superb HOT .. i will give it a 100 degree celcius
What radio station do you listen to? : One Fm & MY FM
What was the last restaurant you ate at? : Coffee Beans is it restaurant??
What was the last thing you bought? : Cranberry Scone
What was the last thing on TV you watched? : Ghost whisperer season 5 ..well days ago =.=!
Who was the last person you took a picture of?: FLY in the College LIBRARY =.=!!!
Who did you last webcam with?: nope ..did not webcam for decades!!!
Who was the last person you said I love you to?: Elaine I GUESs XD
Ever really cried your heart out?: Yes, I did.
Ever cried yourself to sleep?: YES when i was really sad or emo
Ever cried on your friend's shoulder?: Surprisingly !!!! NEVER !!!
Ever cried over the opposite sex? : NOT REALLY !!!
Do you cry when you get an injury?: not every ...but heart injury hahaha mostly XD
Do certain songs make you cry?: YESSSS!!! Melancholic ones haaha
Are you a happy person? : Sometimes.....
What is your current hair color? : BLONDe ???
What shirt are you wearing? : Pyjamas XD
Pants? : Pyjamas
Shoes? : naked foot XD
Necklaces? : NO.
Favorite eye color: Brown or Hazel or as long as it looks nice and not looking like a CAT !!
Short or long hair: SHORT BUT TRENDY + SUIT THE FACE
Height: Taller NOT too tall la...i am not very tall as well XD
Been to jail: YES, custody at home XD
Laughed so hard you cried: yes yes ... not crying perhaps just few drop of tears rolling XD
Cried in school: NOPE and NEVER !! XD
Wanted to be a model: erm not really, although i like new CLOTHES !!!
Done something really stupid that you still laugh about: always! example : when i made some funny acts myself or said something irrelevant
Seen a dead body:YES YES... post mortem some more ...
Gone skinny dipping: FLESHY like meatball Perhaps
Pepsi or Coke: Pepsi
Single or Group Dates: Both providing the situation.. but i prefer single sometimes = )
Chocolate or Vanilla: Chocolatessssssss.............GODIVA !!!! XD
Strawberries or Blueberries: fruits or jams ??? well if its fruits i will choose Strawberries!!!
Meat or Veggies : I am Omnivorous !!! BOTH!!! XD
TV or Movie: ANYTHING as long as i am interested watching!!!
Guitar or Drums: GUITAR !!! i hope my mum allows me to buy one and allow me to learn....
Adidas or Nike: NIKE for sneakers .. but i dont really prefer either both
Chinese or Mexican: Chinese
Cheerios or Corn flakes: BOTH MIXED Xd yum yum...... plus milk cold one !!!
Name one random thing about myself : Microphones????
Thursday, November 11, 2010
我犹豫 的是什么呢??
问问自己 悄悄自己的心门。。
其实 我真的没想过我能够那么厉害 当作没事。。
我知道她不敢告诉我 可是 我心里只要知道 让我自己 有些心理准备而已。。。
可是 那天 我都看到了。。。
也许 也许 是我已经决定了。。。
也许我 很早就已给自己心理准备了。。。
应该 就是去唱歌 买鞋过后。。。
去兜兜风 让我放松许多。。。
也学会 面对 将要面对的。。。
那么多年来 我不知道 这次 是否我已经麻木了 还是 习惯了。。
或者 已经懂了 和给了自己答案。。。
承认自己 不是那么坚强 。。。
碰到 受伤 就很易碎。。。
其实 自己都在逞强。。
应该我也该学会 看开 放开。。。
而在这件事 我做到了。。。
带着微笑的 祝福。。。
这一犹豫 我只能对自己傻笑。。。
有些话 不需要说出口 只要大家明白就好了。。
离开 也是我第一首的歌。。。
抒情歌对我来说 就是说穿我想说的话。。
所以每次唱到某些情歌 我会多放一些 重量。。
一份感情 一份心声 一份感伤 一份经过 一份认真。。。。
其实音乐 对我在很多方面的经过留下 痕迹。。。
美丽和不美丽 都有。。
情绪化的我 最近么那么犹豫了。。
没那么多时间 去想 去看。。。
也许该 让一切 自己来。。。
也也许 我对很多事情都要求完美。。
我不是爱完美 而我怕受伤。。
可是 时间一到 我想呼喊。。
不想把情绪收藏 。。。
不想让自己一再二的让自己 受伤。
我犹豫 的是什么呢??
问问自己 悄悄自己的心门。。
其实 我真的没想过我能够那么厉害 当作没事。。
我知道她不敢告诉我 可是 我心里只要知道 让我自己 有些心理准备而已。。。
可是 那天 我都看到了。。。
也许 也许 是我已经决定了。。。
也许我 很早就已给自己心理准备了。。。
应该 就是去唱歌 买鞋过后。。。
去兜兜风 让我放松许多。。。
也学会 面对 将要面对的。。。
那么多年来 我不知道 这次 是否我已经麻木了 还是 习惯了。。
或者 已经懂了 和给了自己答案。。。
承认自己 不是那么坚强 。。。
碰到 受伤 就很易碎。。。
其实 自己都在逞强。。
应该我也该学会 看开 放开。。。
而在这件事 我做到了。。。
带着微笑的 祝福。。。
这一犹豫 我只能对自己傻笑。。。
有些话 不需要说出口 只要大家明白就好了。。
离开 也是我第一首的歌。。。
抒情歌对我来说 就是说穿我想说的话。。
所以每次唱到某些情歌 我会多放一些 重量。。
一份感情 一份心声 一份感伤 一份经过 一份认真。。。。
其实音乐 对我在很多方面的经过留下 痕迹。。。
美丽和不美丽 都有。。
情绪化的我 最近么那么犹豫了。。
没那么多时间 去想 去看。。。
也许该 让一切 自己来。。。
也也许 我对很多事情都要求完美。。
我不是爱完美 而我怕受伤。。
可是 时间一到 我想呼喊。。
不想把情绪收藏 。。。
不想让自己一再二的让自己 受伤。
Monday, November 1, 2010
well i have nothing to blog lately ...
but i feel bad to let my blog hanging and dangling ..
well these are pictures from our karaokae session during Junior's big day!!!
well i guess it didnt seems right??? XD
ahahaha... well girls do like cameras i suppose XD
but i feel bad to let my blog hanging and dangling ..
well these are pictures from our karaokae session during Junior's big day!!!
well i guess it didnt seems right??? XD
ahahaha... well girls do like cameras i suppose XD
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well i love this pic sosososo much XD |
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everyone busy singing XD |
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"euphoria" pics ^^ |
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cait ?? what song is this ?? |
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A YEA by everyone |
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dreamy =.= XD |
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everyone STAND UP |
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HIGH FIVE everyone |
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i guess i am pulling kim's hair |
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Aww you guys patting on me @.@ but i feel pressure wei XD |
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trying to be sweet OR cute ?? XD |
Saturday, October 16, 2010
不要说保持单身的男女没情趣,也不要说大学不谈恋爱没意思,有位名人曾说过“大学不谈恋爱,后悔四年,大学谈恋爱,后悔 一辈子”,学生时代,周围接触最多的人都年龄相仿,所以价值观都差不多,都想着将来有个好工作,有个好恋人。正因为理想差不多,所以2个人在一起会很开 心,也就很容易走到了一起。至于恋爱是否会影响学习,这里就不说了,因为既有促进作用,也有消极作用,因人而异。
但 是,当毕业后,由于工作的需要,或考研的需要,2人必须长时间分开。即使分开前信誓旦旦,但以后见面的机会将会非常少。不要说你会坚守爱情,在事业的压力 下你若分心就无法使自己更优秀。而在你事业低谷时,那个搀扶你一把的人,往往使你心存感激,你会发现原来这个人就是你生命中最重要的人。而你原来爱的那个 人,对你由爱生恨,你反而失去一个很好的朋友。
所 以,现在若有人想跟你交往,估计也是看中近期的利益(两人在一块的感觉,没有那么多顾虑)而没有把眼光放远于未来的人。毕竟谈恋爱就得多多少少花钱,而钱 全是父母给的生活费,你都还不会赚钱,没有自己的事业,凭什么可以乱花钱呢?从某种意义上讲,是父母在帮你谈恋爱,一点都没有靠自己的力量去追求自己的所 爱。
恋人不是随意寻找的,因为在没有完全了解对方之 前,对方可以为了吸引你暂时改变自己,而一旦你完全了解对方后,分手就指日可待了。所以恋爱应该是日久生情,彼此非常熟知后自然地走在一起,甚至无需表 白。不要认为对方人很好就轻易妥协,人好不是爱情的全部,你们必须为爱情的将来做打算。
如 果遇到一个你深爱的女孩,而你感觉她也喜欢你,大部分的人都是直接就开始交往了。这样做的后果可能就是前面所说的,最后失去一个深爱的人。你或许应该以朋 友的名义关心她,在毕业后仍保持联系,然后为了她努力工作。当你在事业上有所成就后再去找她,如果此时她仍在等你,说明你没看错人。女孩,如果一个男生他 随意就喜欢上妳,那么他以后也会很快就喜欢上别人的。爱情晚点来,就不会走得太早。我们并不需要靠失恋来成熟。
在 学校里的爱情是无知的,在社会中的爱情可能是有目的的,只有遇到逆境仍走下去的爱情才是永恒的。爱情不是和一个最适合自己的人在一起,而是遇到一个更适合 自己的人时,能够坚守自己对所爱的人作出的承诺。爱情不是两个人眼睛对视,而是两个人的眼光看着同一个方向。(这句话是谁说的……太精辟了吧!)
男生,在谈恋爱时不要抱着不适合就分手的想法,一定要慎重地考虑清楚,女朋友就是你未来的老婆,结婚只不过是多一张无用 的纸而已,结婚并不是为爱情加了锁,真正的爱情从来就不需要任何的束缚。一旦你选择了恋爱,就要有一种责任感,你要为你父母的儿子、你老婆的丈夫、你未来 孩子的爸爸负责!
单身并没有什么不好,你一样可以关 心你喜欢的人,这样可以让大众觉得你是一个很好的朋友(大爱这句话,哈哈,终于没有罪恶感了);而恋爱中的人,关心别人则会引发醋意,从爱情观说也是对爱 情不够忠诚,但不关心别人则又失去很多友谊,一旦你分手了,就赔了夫人又折兵。所以现在单身,不是说你不向往爱情,而是证明你对未来的她的一份痴情。
Tuesday, October 12, 2010
Glennyss version EAT。PRAY。LOVE
Well surprisingly another blog ...
Honestly i am feeling extremely tired and sleepy after the 3 hours sleep due to the assignments..
well Desperations and Disappointment !!!!
The class was Cancelled and elaine was early ...
we both continue with the assignments ...
hence it leads me to write about another page again !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
about one ... i was feeling pretty bored and decided to go for movie alone...
Actually i wanted to watch THE movie EAT.PRAY.LOVE..
but too bad when i reached Mid Valley the movie only filmed at 4.20pm...
which is very late.. and i gave up ..and choose Sammy's Adventure ...
ITS weekdays and lots of people coming to watch movie!!!!
the movie actually starts at 1.45pm...
looking at the clock its already 1.47pm...
which means i am late for the movie , but i insist on ...haiz...
well rushing in to the cinema after grabbing a ticket ... i am just on time !!!
NOT even a second late ...hehehheeh .....indeed happy ...
not many people inside the hall ....
but what i can comment about the movie was NICE, CUTE, romance, LOVE, Funny,
I LOVE IT !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
okay a simple porridge and Yau Char Guai ...more then enough
well its hard to earn money but easy to spend.... hmmmm
well after this i went home and then go Shah Alam for a Funeral Ceremony ...
it makes my day happier and its my own Eat.Pray. Love
Honestly i am feeling extremely tired and sleepy after the 3 hours sleep due to the assignments..
well Desperations and Disappointment !!!!
The class was Cancelled and elaine was early ...
we both continue with the assignments ...
hence it leads me to write about another page again !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
about one ... i was feeling pretty bored and decided to go for movie alone...
Actually i wanted to watch THE movie EAT.PRAY.LOVE..
but too bad when i reached Mid Valley the movie only filmed at 4.20pm...
which is very late.. and i gave up ..and choose Sammy's Adventure ...
ITS weekdays and lots of people coming to watch movie!!!!
the movie actually starts at 1.45pm...
looking at the clock its already 1.47pm...
which means i am late for the movie , but i insist on ...haiz...
well rushing in to the cinema after grabbing a ticket ... i am just on time !!!
NOT even a second late ...hehehheeh .....indeed happy ...
not many people inside the hall ....
but what i can comment about the movie was NICE, CUTE, romance, LOVE, Funny,
I LOVE IT !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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this is the 3d but i just watch 2d |
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Sammy is HATCHED ^^ |
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Oops by the way Sammy is a BOY !!! and he rely on this plank as HOME ^^ |
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well my dinner ; P |
its nice and the Yau Char Guai is soft and crispy !!The porridge is sweet and eeemmmm smells good ^^
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My Dessert ... hehe Lo Hong Ka.... ^^ (pimples pimples go away) |
well its hard to earn money but easy to spend.... hmmmm
well after this i went home and then go Shah Alam for a Funeral Ceremony ...
it makes my day happier and its my own Eat.Pray. Love
Saturday, October 9, 2010
a lil update from things around me in college
well the pictures speaks for itselfs ...
well these are all the intervals between classes ...
hence we got plenty of time and we Eat,SIng, Shop
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KTV with Elaine @ Red BOX lowYAT |
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YOO HOO ladies Version winter SOnata XDXD |
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An innocent Capture ahhahahaa |
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well girls stop making faces XD |
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at last a nice picture ...say CHHEEEZZZZ |
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well my favourite Oyster Mee Sua from Shi Lin Mid Valley |
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the meal from ShiLin ( mid Valley with Caitlyn ) |
well to me its something hilarious to blog hahaha...
you might be thinking what kind of fund i was thinking and talking about..
why not just guess !!! ^_^
hahahaha... hmmmmmm is it unit trust fund ??? NOPE
charity funds ??? hehehhehe nonono.....
okay okay let me tell you ....
as i was chit chatting with one of my friend one day...
we sit and talk hours and imagine for hours about our future ....
worst of all we talk about things which is still far fetch ...
and i cant imagine we actually planned ...GOSH...
guess what a wedding fund....
i know i know .. it sounds ridiculous ...
well the scenario went so bad that we wished to have a PERFECT wedding...
well its a IMAGINATIONS !!!!
hence she urged me to start it now...
and she was giggling ....hahahaa
well ... its sttill long way to go... but...
we had planned it well enough as if its going to be the way it should be...XD
from the curtain to the bed and to the bed of course a LARGE CLOSET !!!
and after all its still dream...
and our chat went on....
but for sure its ot gossiping or back stabbing ...
and it went on and on... this is the day ^^
you might be thinking what kind of fund i was thinking and talking about..
why not just guess !!! ^_^
hahahaha... hmmmmmm is it unit trust fund ??? NOPE
charity funds ??? hehehhehe nonono.....
okay okay let me tell you ....
as i was chit chatting with one of my friend one day...
we sit and talk hours and imagine for hours about our future ....
worst of all we talk about things which is still far fetch ...
and i cant imagine we actually planned ...GOSH...
guess what a wedding fund....
i know i know .. it sounds ridiculous ...
well the scenario went so bad that we wished to have a PERFECT wedding...
well its a IMAGINATIONS !!!!
hence she urged me to start it now...
and she was giggling ....hahahaa
well ... its sttill long way to go... but...
we had planned it well enough as if its going to be the way it should be...XD
from the curtain to the bed and to the bed of course a LARGE CLOSET !!!
and after all its still dream...
and our chat went on....
but for sure its ot gossiping or back stabbing ...
and it went on and on... this is the day ^^
Thursday, October 7, 2010
well i guess up till today i felt some changes around me...
its not minor nor major... but human attitude and character ...
well its not a sense of prejudice of me i guess...
i just dislike to have and put prejudice on people...
well who am i to do so right????
well before i further on ... hahaha my first ktv session with Caitlyn ...
well it turns out slow at beginning well than jake and all 3 of us gets really high...
ahahahha i guess that should be the way to SING XD
well at the end someone almost lose his voice ...haha
well i hope he/she will be okay .....
well we did have fun ..hahaha but honestly i am very particular with the size of room and microphone ...
SERIOUSLY!! hahahahah....
we are as if having a concert ... BLASTING WHOA !!!!
well i should call it a C.G.J CLUB !!!
but too bad the E is not there ......
now continue with the prejudice issue ...
well this person really annoys me today...
reading through certain issue well... i decided people changes and looking at truths..
i guess the best way for me to work and acts towards them is just to ignore them...
perhaps sometimes being a stranger is better....
coming across to one of my friends' blog ...
towards people who does not accept the diverting opinions of others ...
well this reminds me of what i was few years back...
thinking selfishly and naive that everyone had the same mind set and thoughts as me...
well i learned and i realised that it is impossible for everyone to agree with you ...
everyone come from different backgrounds ...and philosophies they adapt are off totally different..
Hence, no matter how strong is your opinion or your ideas support you... perhaps these people should try to accept new things and ideologies with hands open...
well, honestly i do not like to hide any feelings from my BFF... provided he/she can help me to keep secrets...
well its important to get a good listener ... but if your friend is so good to extreme and you cant accept and give , it will be problematic..
Life is about to take and give....
if you dont learn that you will be having prejudice on almost everyone ...
You will never be satisfied and appreciate things around you...
people always tend to feel they are of the worst ... WHO DON"T ???
its just the matter on how you see and take things...were you satisfied or not??
if your pride and greed as well as egoism plays a major role in you.. you just have to get some out of you ...
its always right to forgive one another..
but usually who will take the initial steps first??
or will you not and continue to step in deeper and deeper in depth towards blurrness in life?
people feels around you ... well if one or two people disagree its probably their problems...
but when the majority disagree should you paused and thought for some while...
you may not care and may not mind ...
you may think its alright and you are utmost great and good decision makers..
you may think you are right ...but no matter how good you are .. you too make mistakes...
all humans make mistake unless you aren't one......
we learn as much as possible..
all decisions its up to you ...
people do not pick up prejudice so will you ???
There are many things in life that will catch your eye,
but only a few will catch your heart; pursue those.
its not minor nor major... but human attitude and character ...
well its not a sense of prejudice of me i guess...
i just dislike to have and put prejudice on people...
well who am i to do so right????
well before i further on ... hahaha my first ktv session with Caitlyn ...
well it turns out slow at beginning well than jake and all 3 of us gets really high...
ahahahha i guess that should be the way to SING XD
well at the end someone almost lose his voice ...haha
well i hope he/she will be okay .....
well we did have fun ..hahaha but honestly i am very particular with the size of room and microphone ...
SERIOUSLY!! hahahahah....
we are as if having a concert ... BLASTING WHOA !!!!
well i should call it a C.G.J CLUB !!!
but too bad the E is not there ......
now continue with the prejudice issue ...
well this person really annoys me today...
reading through certain issue well... i decided people changes and looking at truths..
i guess the best way for me to work and acts towards them is just to ignore them...
perhaps sometimes being a stranger is better....
coming across to one of my friends' blog ...
towards people who does not accept the diverting opinions of others ...
well this reminds me of what i was few years back...
thinking selfishly and naive that everyone had the same mind set and thoughts as me...
well i learned and i realised that it is impossible for everyone to agree with you ...
everyone come from different backgrounds ...and philosophies they adapt are off totally different..
Hence, no matter how strong is your opinion or your ideas support you... perhaps these people should try to accept new things and ideologies with hands open...
well, honestly i do not like to hide any feelings from my BFF... provided he/she can help me to keep secrets...
well its important to get a good listener ... but if your friend is so good to extreme and you cant accept and give , it will be problematic..
Life is about to take and give....
if you dont learn that you will be having prejudice on almost everyone ...
You will never be satisfied and appreciate things around you...
people always tend to feel they are of the worst ... WHO DON"T ???
its just the matter on how you see and take things...were you satisfied or not??
if your pride and greed as well as egoism plays a major role in you.. you just have to get some out of you ...
its always right to forgive one another..
but usually who will take the initial steps first??
or will you not and continue to step in deeper and deeper in depth towards blurrness in life?
people feels around you ... well if one or two people disagree its probably their problems...
but when the majority disagree should you paused and thought for some while...
you may not care and may not mind ...
you may think its alright and you are utmost great and good decision makers..
you may think you are right ...but no matter how good you are .. you too make mistakes...
all humans make mistake unless you aren't one......
we learn as much as possible..
all decisions its up to you ...
people do not pick up prejudice so will you ???
There are many things in life that will catch your eye,
but only a few will catch your heart; pursue those.
Wednesday, October 6, 2010
well... it has been sometimes after the last post...
well its the third week of college...
honestly i am still not used to the new way the new environment...
and i am very frustrated in certain situations...
one of it will be the time table of course..
second of it is one of the class....
third is my hair....
fourth is me...
and the list goes on.......
well there was once i am sitting in a train...
looking at a lady...she was listening to her ipod and was smiling sweetly..
well i saw... when she realised i was looking at her ... she kept her smile...XD
anyway she was too obsessed and forget about me and continue smiling....
cute lady huh ^_^
well in a sudden i went through my friend blog and this triggered me to have a wish list..
but wondering why should i???
hmmmmmm.... what happen if all of it does not prevail???
Well my dear Glennyss its just a WISH !!!!
hence i decided to list down here ...
Glennyss wish list of the year 2010-2011
and WELL i HATE IT !!!!
this doesnt show i am a disobedient daughter but i just dislike the way they teach me...
luckily i dont inherit much from them...
well to any children under their supervision you will suffocate to death...
Believe me....
now forget about those upsetting stuff.....
thinking of going to prom or not???
if i asked i guess 98% i cant go ...haiz....
if i dont ask i am not going to go as well...
hmmm... but if i asked i will get scolded ...
but if i dont i wont .... miserable....procarstinating....
and i wanted to apologise here ...
for not attending the audition ... this is because i dont even know whether i am attending or not and other factors as well....
and well cait... i will TRY to go ...... hmmmmmm
well lately i am too focusing on music as well...
meeting keyboard master BU that day.... well... still nice...
long time no see....but my composer had lost in the limelight of love XD
and more surprisingly which i doesnt expect ....
Well i met Zlwin in Kl sentral.....
okay it was long i had never met him...especially after his magician career..
well i met him and had a few words with him as he was rushing for his magic performance at KLCC..
Gosh i should try a day and go Zouk and see his performance XD
but honestly he is waaaayyyyy thinner than before ....
well friends do come and go...
and i had learned that we should appreciate all moments with them...
which will make it precious and carved a memories between us...
Precious it peeps^_^
well its the third week of college...
honestly i am still not used to the new way the new environment...
and i am very frustrated in certain situations...
one of it will be the time table of course..
second of it is one of the class....
third is my hair....
fourth is me...
and the list goes on.......
well there was once i am sitting in a train...
looking at a lady...she was listening to her ipod and was smiling sweetly..
well i saw... when she realised i was looking at her ... she kept her smile...XD
anyway she was too obsessed and forget about me and continue smiling....
cute lady huh ^_^
well in a sudden i went through my friend blog and this triggered me to have a wish list..
but wondering why should i???
hmmmmmm.... what happen if all of it does not prevail???
Well my dear Glennyss its just a WISH !!!!
hence i decided to list down here ...
Glennyss wish list of the year 2010-2011
- i want to watch 6 movies this year
- i hope i can celebrate my birthday with my friends this year
- i want to improve my vocal
- i want to concentrate and focus on my studies
- well a joke but true... i want a balance diet ..dun ask me to eat !!!
- learn to be humourous and disciplined
- to hang out with ALL my close friends ...I miss u all
- to be happier than ever
- never feel tensed up
- to had a large re-union with college friends ^^
- to do some charity
- to make more friends
- to get a new good wireless microphones ^^
- to get all clothes from boutique all over the world ( ridiculous huh)
- to not to be emo and emotional
- be an optimist
- hope i am strong
- hope everyone stay healthy and nice
- to get a business started
- to be conscious all day long ...( uurrrgghhh)
and WELL i HATE IT !!!!
this doesnt show i am a disobedient daughter but i just dislike the way they teach me...
luckily i dont inherit much from them...
well to any children under their supervision you will suffocate to death...
Believe me....
now forget about those upsetting stuff.....
thinking of going to prom or not???
if i asked i guess 98% i cant go ...haiz....
if i dont ask i am not going to go as well...
hmmm... but if i asked i will get scolded ...
but if i dont i wont .... miserable....procarstinating....
and i wanted to apologise here ...
for not attending the audition ... this is because i dont even know whether i am attending or not and other factors as well....
and well cait... i will TRY to go ...... hmmmmmm
well lately i am too focusing on music as well...
meeting keyboard master BU that day.... well... still nice...
long time no see....but my composer had lost in the limelight of love XD
and more surprisingly which i doesnt expect ....
Well i met Zlwin in Kl sentral.....
okay it was long i had never met him...especially after his magician career..
well i met him and had a few words with him as he was rushing for his magic performance at KLCC..
Gosh i should try a day and go Zouk and see his performance XD
but honestly he is waaaayyyyy thinner than before ....
well friends do come and go...
and i had learned that we should appreciate all moments with them...
which will make it precious and carved a memories between us...
Precious it peeps^_^
Thursday, September 30, 2010
Should there be a change in our local education system?
Well hello people it will be a long piece of opinion among all my blog...
so be patient with it ....
My question begun with " should there be any changes in our local education system? "
well i was reading on a piece of article on a piece of morning paper regarding our local education system and this definitely urge me and act as a impetus for me to write my opinion out here...
Now there's definitely a need to improve our education system, but not to the kind of so call "improvement".
well I'll explain here....
the so call "improvement" was converting both the science and maths back to the " National Language".
I realise this matter of question had been debated since long enough .... Aren't you guys bored ???
Its always on the same matter of facts.. why not spend more time on other development or on other areas on the education...Well to me its DEFINITELY is not an ideal idea.
Anyway, its fine for me because i am not in the national government primary and secondary education anymore. But i remember that i was the second batch of students when they convert science and maths to english. Honestly, i was happy and i wished everthing to be conerted into english. Proudly it was not a problem to me so far because i was lucky that i came from a english educated private school.hence its fine for me...What about other students ?????
I will stand and insist on those subjects to be taught in English because so far and universally, it is STILL a INTERNATIONAL LANGUAGE. I'm not trying to say our " national language" is of no use and far left behind nor trying to raise a sensitive issue . but there is an exclaimation and it triggered us and asking us to wake up. THINK OUT OF THE BOX PEOPLE !!!!
Yes !!! we are living in a lovely country with lots of culture, religious,believes, languages and etcetera. Of course, i am proud to be the citizen of this country. I learn alot... and much to learn still .
As we grow and further on our tertiary education , we HAVE to know that IT iS a FACT that we are not "Frogs in the Well" we are not living in our own world!!!! WE are trading and interacting with lots of coutries around the world and i am sure most of the document are in ENGLISH !
Well think about , that you're an excellent student and get excellent results in your exams, however your command for the language is falling down the stairs or you just could do it by just MEMORISING ( or other phrase called "copy and paste principle") and could not do it orally ???!!
I AM SURE !!!! you wouldn't be telling those oversea colleges or universities as well as those in local to CONVERT to the so call " national language" right???
SARCASTICLY, our country is Small BUT This country should thanks all the nation for being GOOD at adapting their selfish changes and amendments !!!!!!!
Needless for me to say that it actually take sometime to change the whole education system in this country.Not only students but as well as teachers .....
Obviously the State or other word our government is wasting and throwing money into the sea after all these years , for textbooks to be print, training courses for teachers, and more.... its wasting the public fund as well!!!!
i believe there is a better way to spend all this money !!!!
why not build more school ??? so that lots of people get proper education??
why not give more scholarships?? so that many intelligent student get to further their studies..
why not improve school facilities? so that rural areas student get to enjoy better schooling environment
why not improve on our syllabus ? so that we have a higher standard and quality of education
WHY ??? WHY ??? WHY/???
in all sense don't you feel that our country's educations system is depreciating????
Why convert back to the " national language" ?
i had thousands of WHY playing in my mind ....
Well our country participated to keep our country environmental friendly....
Do you this action is environmental friendly ??? well its a huge embarrassment and humiliation i could say ...
i believe old books have to be burn and recycle and new books have to be produce... isn't it a waste of energy and MILLIONS of dollar have to consume....
Well inrespect of our "National Language" isn't it enough to have 7 out of 10 subjects in this " National Language" ?
Isn't that the state had been implementing too much of it ??
Do you think the command of English in our country is Good enough ???
NO !!! I would say... not good enough ...
imagine when there's tourist coming to our country entering to a shop to purchase some thing ...
and suprisingly you would be astonished and overwhelmed to see that the tourist being speaking in the "international language" and the sales person replied in " NATIONAL LANGUAGE " !!!!!!!
imagine that the STATE itself do that!!!!
well it will Collapse !!! IT WILL !!!!!!
Its good to show your Loyalty to your " National LANGUAGE "
but be more realistic !!!!!!!!!
imagine the top 10 richest do that !!!
Well , frankly speaking our education system is always USED as a TOOL for political strategies !!!!
Hence when election come by .... if students are given chance to vote !!!!!! it is so gonna be DEAD !!!
Well do remember they have parents to take revenge on behalf of them !!!!
Why those innocent suffering from the calamities you are having ???
or WHY create Disaster to us ????
Choose people of your own size !!!!!!
well the State is now creating another havoc again !!!
for your information , they wanted to abolish some examination !!!!
well again!!! AGAIN i feel its MEANINGLESS !!!
well those exam shall not be abolished BUT IMPROVED !!!!!
Last but not least , i knew how much the government is trying to instill our love and loyalty o our " national language" !!!!!
Well there's a question.............
Wednesday, September 29, 2010
水瓶座-- 看来难取悦
Tuesday, September 28, 2010
owh this is the second week of college ...
i am feeling i am DRAG down to hell slowly ........
among the four subject i DONT UNDERSTAND Common LAw and reasoning ....
Criminal law of course is FUN ....i enjoy very much....
owh owh
how should i adapt.....
i dont want to be too late..................
now is it possible for me to sit down and still for 6 hours a day to study ???
i know i am HYPERACTIVE CHILD... iknow i know...
urrrgggghhh ...
i have no idea ... perhaps my craziness...
things over are over ... i should step forward and get myself a lil courage...
i should learn to grow and be stronger...
ish...... looking at thick heavy books right in front of me make me feel tensed up wei...
well i should try to manage it.....
now i will have my break after my exam next year June ....
years are passing by... very quickly....
what i had done in all this years ....
just a slight glance ... woooo HAVOCS !!!!
but i do learn as well....
anyway my brother is sick... he should take care but too bad he is always fond of cold drinks ...
should i say its his fault????
hmmmm...he's still my brother anyway......
should thanks Daniel who borrow me his textbooks....
thanks alot ... hope all your textbook babies are safe with me.....
hahahha...dont worry ...they are ..... ^^
i wanted to watch Old Cow vs. Tender Grass....
but too bad ...J.loong told me it was off the screen in many places...
haiz... i dun think i'll get to watch movies ... T.T
they are not in the time i want ....
i am tired ... every single thing i do .. i have to make early arrangement ...
so sad....
what i am pissed off is that ... my dad!!!
do you know sometimes he is Free enough to pick me up early
but he is so reluctant.....
and tend to pick me at 8 pm everyday after picking my mum....
WHY ??? WHY ????
i seriously dont understand
i am totally wasting my time....
i remember that day .. that i had to walk in the hot sun to my grandma's house...
and my cousin pity me...
and do you know what my dad is doing????
i am so annoyed.. REALLY ANNOYED !!!
i have not appeal to the magistrate court in my house ...
thats my MOM .....
not the 1st time.....
that saturday ... i forget to bring my phones....
and i get a phone to call my dad....he give excuse ... that he wont be at house ... but my cousin told me he was !!!
next time dont ever tell me how dangerous of going out with friends ....
whatever you said are verbiage as i grow and i can think...
its not that i am trying to be rebellious... but its true...
that isnt it more dangerous for me to walk alone from the train station that i'd never drop by...
and is shadowed with many trees and foreigners .. was there... and if anything happened ... i dun think anyone will come to my rescue .... and i'm taking BAG !!!!
even my aunties were scolding him..... ISH !!!!!!!
nah forget about it......
.........i had to stay speechless till i get the best resolution.........................
Wednesday, September 22, 2010
its time to settle down
here people...
i am telling myself to settle down already ....
all this while besides working.. i am busy for Dinners,Bbq, Buffets, Weddings and etc.
now and i left out my karaokae-ing for long time i guess.....
well what to do then ...
now my first class starts on Saturday 18th September 2010...
kind of desperate becasue the next day was my cousin sister marriage and everyone is there...
unfortunately, i am forced to attend that morning class and missed out all the fun...
by the time i went back all is over and i am too tired to bother anything,hence i slept....
sunday i went for dinner with all my gorgeous cousins and gorgeous future sister-in-laws...
hahhahaa.... we were all sitting nearby...
honestly, at the staring i felt really boring....
and feel to just stand and go back...
nah.... and to be true ..... i am a lil something wrong ...pshychologically recently...
after as everything started its soon be okay ..everyone was a lil quiet initially...
but... GOSH you would never want to know what happen then ...XD
we all start all the photoshooting and singing...
its so ... its attracting others as well to look at us..
and cameras is always around us....
now wonderring we'll have any phobia soon>>>>
i think NOPE.... NOT AT ALL.....hahahahha
it was kinda tiring the next morning because i slept quite late ...
and there's class early in the morning....
OMG its Criminal Law... it sounds interesting to me....hehehhee
of course all lectures is not running away from the recent case or news about the murder...
back to college i was feeling a little sad because most of us are separated...
wooo wooo woo T.T.....
just a few of us ........
now i hate classes held half day... why not they make it to one day....????
its very troublesome indeed..... adn there is no library for me to sit and study or anything....
second floor is occupied for college office and meeting rooms and business...
only 3rd floor is left.... sad case ... where should i sit then????
now... the 3rd day was common law reasoning and institutions....
sad things happen again...
the class which is supposed to held at 10 a.m is postponed to 2pm
and its permanent.....
what kind of time-table is this ...
IT SUCKS !!!!!!!
hence we all namely, leetat,jake,qian yi,jessica,su ning, eric,stanelain and me...
we went for karaokae-ing
back to college then the lecturer was LATE !!!!
nevermind ....who care~ !!!
now upon reaching home... my dad called me!!!!!
now its a miracle right !!!!???
now its a bad news .... he said ask someone to bring me back...
i was thinking ....
WHO ??????? @#$%*
i just not to bother i thought he was busy i just hurry and took the train...
and when i reach i called him again...
i asked "can you pick me up after i finish my prayers?"
he said nope...
and never told me where he was.... he asked me to call my aunt !!!!
owh no ...thats what i hate always ....
then i guess he called ..
as i walked i saw gideon ... owh god bless....
good he offered me a ride...
thanks to him so much ..........XD
and i reach home soon......
and till the late night when my parents reach home
when we had dinner i just notice they went gENTING !!!!!!!!!
i am telling myself to settle down already ....
all this while besides working.. i am busy for Dinners,Bbq, Buffets, Weddings and etc.
now and i left out my karaokae-ing for long time i guess.....
well what to do then ...
now my first class starts on Saturday 18th September 2010...
kind of desperate becasue the next day was my cousin sister marriage and everyone is there...
unfortunately, i am forced to attend that morning class and missed out all the fun...
by the time i went back all is over and i am too tired to bother anything,hence i slept....
sunday i went for dinner with all my gorgeous cousins and gorgeous future sister-in-laws...
hahhahaa.... we were all sitting nearby...
honestly, at the staring i felt really boring....
and feel to just stand and go back...
nah.... and to be true ..... i am a lil something wrong ...pshychologically recently...
after as everything started its soon be okay ..everyone was a lil quiet initially...
but... GOSH you would never want to know what happen then ...XD
we all start all the photoshooting and singing...
its so ... its attracting others as well to look at us..
and cameras is always around us....
now wonderring we'll have any phobia soon>>>>
i think NOPE.... NOT AT ALL.....hahahahha
it was kinda tiring the next morning because i slept quite late ...
and there's class early in the morning....
OMG its Criminal Law... it sounds interesting to me....hehehhee
of course all lectures is not running away from the recent case or news about the murder...
back to college i was feeling a little sad because most of us are separated...
wooo wooo woo T.T.....
just a few of us ........
now i hate classes held half day... why not they make it to one day....????
its very troublesome indeed..... adn there is no library for me to sit and study or anything....
second floor is occupied for college office and meeting rooms and business...
only 3rd floor is left.... sad case ... where should i sit then????
now... the 3rd day was common law reasoning and institutions....
sad things happen again...
the class which is supposed to held at 10 a.m is postponed to 2pm
and its permanent.....
what kind of time-table is this ...
IT SUCKS !!!!!!!
hence we all namely, leetat,jake,qian yi,jessica,su ning, eric,stanelain and me...
we went for karaokae-ing
back to college then the lecturer was LATE !!!!
nevermind ....who care~ !!!
now upon reaching home... my dad called me!!!!!
now its a miracle right !!!!???
now its a bad news .... he said ask someone to bring me back...
i was thinking ....
WHO ??????? @#$%*
i just not to bother i thought he was busy i just hurry and took the train...
and when i reach i called him again...
i asked "can you pick me up after i finish my prayers?"
he said nope...
and never told me where he was.... he asked me to call my aunt !!!!
owh no ...thats what i hate always ....
then i guess he called ..
as i walked i saw gideon ... owh god bless....
good he offered me a ride...
thanks to him so much ..........XD
and i reach home soon......
and till the late night when my parents reach home
when we had dinner i just notice they went gENTING !!!!!!!!!
Tuesday, September 21, 2010
i went through some of the blogs and here....
these questions i grab it from Jake's blog ...
(don't mind yea ^^)
here it goes....
ZZUUMMM Zummm>>>>>>>
Now,its still a secret XD
2. Do you still talk to your FIRST crush?
Yes.......... but not that often
3. What was your FIRST favorite drink (besides water)?
4. What was your FIRST ambition?
Owh HOHOHO....i'd like to be an actress when i was small ...:)
5. Who was your FIRST favorite band/singer?
Fish Leong
6. Who was the FIRST person to text/IM you today?
Pei Xiang
7. What was the FIRST thing you thought of this morning
I want to get to sleep again @.@
8. Where did you go on your FIRST airplane ride?
9. Who was your FIRST best friend?
Yollenda Ng
10. Who was the FIRST person you talked to today?
i guess its myself... or my brother
11. Whose wedding were you in the FIRST time?
i guess is my aunt Annie How XD
12. What was the FIRST thing you did this morning?
Switch off the noisy alarm
13. What was the FIRST concert you ever went to?
14. FIRST piercing?
when i was in kindergarten i guess...
15. FIRST movie you remember seeing?
Inspector gadgets... in cinema with the whole primary school friends and teachers
16. When was your FIRST detention?
Believe me not ... i never got detention before ..yeah : P
17. What is the FIRST thing you would learn if you had the chance?
I am a lil greedy.. i wish to learn everything !!!
but if i had only one opportunity i want to learn playing musical instruments, vocal, composing, and acting...
18. What was the FIRST sport that you were involved in?
I guess shaking those rattans hops... which i fail then but successful now XD
19. What were the FIRST lessons you ever took?
I guess ...dont put too much hope and confidence...(well by the way i'm a pessimist )
20. What is the FIRST thing you do when you get home?
online and see whose ON!!!!!
Saturday, September 11, 2010
hey you you and you...XD
i've got alot to blog but dunno which come first .....
i know it may sound hilarious and or may sound stupid and retarded
nah ... i just feel funny...
A NEW ONE !!!!!
BUT... ITS PAINFUL..........
but i justt dont care about it...................
an yesterday when i was having my chocolate mocha mooncake..... i felt it..
and ITS GROWINGGG ~~~~~~~~~~~~....
eeeewwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww and OUCH!!!!!!!
nah just ignore my craziness....
gotta go for now... come back with more ...
Monday, September 6, 2010
it has been a long time ... imma MIA in every where....
i have been in facebook but on and off....
and as well as my phones ....
most of the time i left my phones at home and also other places ....
not with me.....
and i never get to get on blog to read all my fellow friends bloggie...
and i get to read my dear friend Elaine's blog today......
hmmmmmmm...... so sorry to her .... first is apology...
because probably i didnt get to see her calls or forget to call her....
paiseh yea.....
i went and register quite late ...and when i went aria said you have went.....
and i get to read what happened to her ......
girl ,.... i hope you could be strong and all you have to do is think for now and love future....
second probably is jessica.... XD ....
i am missing yeap ... imma totally missing!!!!!!!!!
lol your karaokae thing seriously have to be postpone.....
and SO SORRY to those I DIDNT GET, PICK UP and REPLY your calls or msg!!!!
really sorry ........... not purposely but .... having lots of things on.....
and now ... to my own personal matters....
now i am having problem ... alil....
now again .... i have limited of patience......
don't think who you are and i have to be like a pet....
i can be tame and i can be wild.........
measure yourself before you get to measure others ....FUCKO !!!!!!
and just to tell if YOU feel it ....
you are nothing when i am not a caged lion ~!!!!!!
if not because of certain reasons I WONT BE THAT PATIENCE !!!!!
you can have your needs and i do have my management as well....
so TALK TO ME !!!!!! I DARE YOU !!!!! F*** YOU
i have been looking at something really terrible these days .....
is that guilty people claimed that they are innocent!!!!!
WTH or WTF.........
although its not me ...... and its not an issue about me....
but c'mon .......
perhaps ..... those are immatured people and need a MIRROR !!!!
and ahhheeeemmmm ... make sure the mirror is well polished before ITS GIVEN to THEM !!!
urrrgggghhhh.... never will know how mentally stressed i am NOW!!!!!!
do this or do that !!!!!!!!!!!!
never want any sympathy .......
just going to freak out what the hell went wrong and how to treat these ill treated people....
i missed all my friends' huggs !!!!!!
wondering when shall i get one.... =.=
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