Wednesday, September 22, 2010

its time to settle down

here people...
i am telling myself to settle down already ....
all this while besides working.. i am busy for Dinners,Bbq, Buffets, Weddings and etc.
now and i left out my karaokae-ing for long time i guess.....

well what to do then ...
now my first class starts on Saturday 18th September 2010...
kind of desperate becasue the next day was my cousin sister marriage and everyone is there...
unfortunately, i am forced to attend that morning class and missed out all the fun...
by the time i went back all is over and i am too tired to bother anything,hence i slept....

sunday i went for dinner with all my gorgeous cousins and gorgeous future sister-in-laws...
hahhahaa.... we were all sitting nearby...
honestly, at the staring i felt really boring....
and feel to just stand and go back...
nah.... and to be true ..... i am a lil something wrong ...pshychologically recently...
after as everything started its soon be okay ..everyone was a lil quiet initially...
but... GOSH you would never want to know what happen then ...XD
we all start all the photoshooting and singing...
its so ... its attracting others as well to look at us..
and cameras is always around us....
now wonderring we'll have any phobia soon>>>>
i think NOPE.... NOT AT ALL.....hahahahha

it was kinda tiring the next morning because i slept quite late ...
and there's class early in the morning....
OMG its Criminal Law... it sounds interesting to me....hehehhee
of course all lectures is not running away from the recent case or news about the murder...

back to college i was feeling a little sad because most of us are separated...
wooo wooo woo T.T.....
just a few of us ........
now i hate classes held half day... why not they make it to one day....????
its very troublesome indeed..... adn there is no library for me to sit and study or anything....
second floor is occupied for college office and meeting rooms and business...
only 3rd floor is left.... sad case ... where should i sit then????

now... the 3rd day was common law reasoning and institutions....
sad things happen again...
the class which is supposed to held at 10 a.m is postponed to 2pm
and its permanent.....
what kind of time-table is this ...
IT SUCKS !!!!!!!
hence we all namely, leetat,jake,qian yi,jessica,su ning, eric,stanelain and me...
we went for karaokae-ing
back to college then the lecturer was LATE !!!!
nevermind ....who care~ !!!

now upon reaching home... my dad called me!!!!!
now its a miracle right !!!!???
now its a bad news .... he said ask someone to bring me back...
i was thinking ....
WHO ??????? @#$%*
i just not to bother i thought he was busy i just hurry and took the train...
and when i reach i called him again...
i asked "can you pick me up after i finish my prayers?"
he said nope...
and never told me where he was.... he asked me to call my aunt !!!!
owh no ...thats what i hate always ....
then i guess he called ..
as i walked i saw gideon ... owh god bless....
good he offered me a ride...
thanks to him so much ..........XD
and i reach home soon......
and till the late night when my parents reach home
when we had dinner i just notice they went gENTING !!!!!!!!!


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