Friday, March 5, 2010

Fairy Tales

Let me first share with u guys a fairy tales written by one of my friend.........

"Once upon a time there lived a little girl named Annabeth. She lived in a little toadstool down by the creek. It wasn't very large, but it was warm and cozy during the cold winter nights. It was cold and breezy during the hot summer afternoons. There was a quaint little kitchen where she could make vegetable stew and peachey apricot pies.
   There was always sweet smells coming from her kitchen. all the little creaturesof the forest always find themselves wandering towards the sweet smell of her pies. Apple pies, cherry pies, peach pies, mushroom pies for supper. She was really good at making pies. Annabeth loved pies.

   she also has a cat named BraveHeart. He was tabby old fellow with orange and brown fur. BraveHeart had a habit of chasingthe little garden mice around, not to eat. Just for fun. They were good friends. Round and round the little toadstool house they would chase each other till Annabeth stops thembecause she gets too dizzy.

   On the warm summer afternoons, Annabeth would sit outside her toadstool and sip some tea. She would wait for the cool summer breeze to blow. when that happens, Annabeth and Brave would imagine that they were both out at sea where the salty air would blow.
On cold winter nights, they would hug each other by the warm fire. Life was such a breeze everyday there were new pies to bake, there was always enough tea and the weather was always fine. "

However . i have been told that fairy tales are NOT fairy tales....
why is that so..... because fairy tales are not true .....
i think perhaps fairy tales are modified story .............
Which means there are no true Cinderella....
We don't have Beauty And The Beast... and etc...............

but i still like fairy tales .....
this is because fairy tales is where we learned something called ....LOVE....

let fairy tales to be Fairy TAles

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